feels good

Bought a long time ago (I'm quite positive at a thrift store),
it has not been removed from its box or moved from its
storage spot in our upstairs bathroom.
Today, I removed it from the box
and filled it with hot water to sooth an aching leg.
It works.
How good it feels!
Do you have one?
When was the last time you used it?
OK.  Disclaimer. 
When I got up from my chair, I realized my bargain
hot water bottle leaked! 
It looked to me as though it had never been used.
I have NO idea how old it was. 
Maybe the water I used (though not boiling) was too hot?
It felt good while it lasted.
Now it only feels VERY wet.


  1. I received a hot water bottle just like this for my birthday when I was about 10 years old (goodness knows why - what a strange thing to give a little girl!). It had a lovely hand-sewn flannel casing so that I wouldn't get burned by it. My mom always put boiling water in it, though, so yours just seem like it had a leak - there is some sort of "sport" that involves inflating them, so yours may have had that happen to it. I have no idea what happened to my hot water bottle, but I remember it keeping my toes nice and toasty for many years!

    1. It started out very comforting. I was unaware of the leak until about the 3rd time I filled it up (and sat on it) :)

  2. I was going to say that it sounded like something good at the bottom of the bed but would have been just my luck it would have leaked there. Hahaha. Lucky it was your leg and the chair.

  3. Oh, no! So sorry it leaks, Rebecca. :( My mother had one and we used it when I was growing up. Mostly for tummy aches as I recall. If I know you, you'll find a way to upcycle the water bottle. LOL Hugs, dear friend. Nancy

  4. I have a newer one that is heart shaped. Love a good hot water bottle. They are so soothing on sore muscles, aching bones, cold feet. I am odd in that I like heat on my face, forehead when I had a terrible migraine and my girls used the bottle when they had female complaints. I think they are terribly under utilized these days! I'm sorry yours leaked but I'd certainly look for another or new one. Moist heat is wonderful for so many aches and pains.


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