miss read

From the shelves of used books - including some vintage ones like THIS one -
on a "For Sale" shelf at the Huntington Public Library (IN).
I was thrilled to purchase it ($1) for a couple of reasons...
First of all, because I have thoroughly enjoyed every Miss Read book I've ever read;
and secondly, this is one I don't own personally!
We were in this lovely town for a meeting and had allowed ourselves
extra time to search out thrift stores and check out the library.
It cost us nothing and the time was well spent.
By the way, I spent nothing at the two thrift stores we found,
but will definitely be returning to one of them called Dream Center.
It begs to be frequented!


  1. Nothing like finding a serendipitous and midwinter jewel for our minds!!!

  2. I agree with Bookie above...serendipitous for sure.


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