pie time

 I went to my cabinet to find a pie plate this morning.
It was then that I realized I don't just have a pie plate--
I have a collection of pie plates!
 Besides a couple of metal ones, I have at least 7 glass ones varying in size from 10"
 to a couple of what must be individual ones...
 Then I went to my recipe file and found the press-in-pie-crust recipe
that is a GREAT one for a single crust pie!
And here it is.  Ready for the oven.
Later today, I'll fill it with quiche featuring some chard given us by friends.
Mmmm.  Mmmmmm!  
I can't wait.

(Did you guess that I once found it hard to pass up a glass pie plate
in thrift stores?)


  1. Hi Rebecca...One can never have enough pie plates, right? Susan

  2. Welllllllllll. I think I DO!
    I'm not even a pie-baker/maker :)
    What WAS I thinking?

  3. I am not a pie baker much, but do have some pretty blue glass ones that I make quiche in. And we do love quiche!

  4. I love to make pie! I never thought to just press it in...it would eliminate a huge clean up! That's huge! Thank you!

  5. Is that an old recipe on the card you show? It's really amazing that the handwriting looks sooo much like my grandmother's. I have a couple of recipes written out on little cards just like that. I'll try to find one of them and take a pic of it and send you.

  6. I'm not the least bit surprised at the fact that you have a collection of pie plates, it sounds like something you would have. Your quiche sounds good, I love quiche.


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