I Wonder as I Wander

I wonder.  
What would have YOU done?
While headed home from Michigan late yesterday afternoon,
a garage sale sign caught our attention.
We slowed down on the country road (Amish territory) and entered the lane.
My husband saw them first.
Four chairs.
A little worse for the wear, but "solid as rocks"!
$1 each.
With two in the back seat
and two in the trunk - open, of course - steadied by bungie cords,
we traveled the rest of the way home.
Here they are.
Safely in our garage - awaiting a decision.
Seriously.  What would have YOU done?


  1. Are you kidding?? I would have stopped for them too. They will be great as soon as you and Gary give them some loving care. And please share photos. They would be nice painted or re-stained.

    1. If we DO paint or stain them....We're thinking of re-sale :)

  2. I see your hubby will have a project for a few days! They look worth money for sure. I love chairs.

  3. I probably wouldn't have been able to resist either. At $1 a chair you could resell them to a antique dealer if decide not to refurb them! x

  4. Those chairs? $1 each? You has no choice but to buy them. You did good!

  5. I would probably have done the same as you, Rebecca. Haul them home, refurbish, then re-sell! Good work! Susan p.s. Thanks for the birthday wishes! And the visit to my blog and comment, too. Appreciated all.

  6. Oh my goodness...we don't have deals like that here...and I am needing dining room chairs. Way to go...I can't wait to see them redone
    I am looking for sets of two to put around our table...a different set per married couple

  7. We had chairs like that at our kitchen table when I was a kid. Very sturdy.

  8. Great find, no matter what you choose to do with them.

  9. I unfortunately would have passed them up...I do not have the refinishing talents you guys do.


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