
 You've gotta do what you've gotta do!
 I'm happy for a small stash of artificial flowers
gathered inexpensively from thrift stores and garage sales.
I've tried to be selective and avoid the most artificial-looking.
(The white vase was also a thrift store find.)
Now.  If only I knew how to introduce some warmer temperatures
to the scene here in NE Indiana!


  1. Your flowers are lovely and look real. I have some white tulips that come out every year right after Christmas. They look real, are simple and pure looking, remind me that spring will indeed come...although even THEY are tired of waiting this year. Freezing cold yesterday with sleet, snow, and rain.

    Thank you so much for your very kind thoughts you left on my last blog page. Wonderful of you....

  2. It's nice to have a touch of spring whenever one needs it, Rebecca.
    This is a great way to do it!!
    I hope that your weekend is beautiful!!

  3. It's sometimes necessary .. especially if winter doldrums take hold.

  4. I need some artificial tulips and daffodils, too! I think it looks wonderful!


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