new favorite

 A quick look around our house may explain why
The French Tangerine is a new favorite blog of mine.
Click on it to go check it out for yourself!
 I couldn't begin to match its sophisticated content,
 but that doesn't keep me from admiring what I see there.
Meanwhile I continue to enjoy the tangerine (and turquoise)
I've gathered from my favorite thrift stores in the past.
(Yes, you read that right - "the past"!
I've radically curtailed my excursions until I can edit 
my current collections...)


  1. Oh no, I'd struggle with curtailing my excursions. Aren't you afraid of what you're missing? Love the turquoise vase. xxx

    1. Dear Vix, When you've lived as long as I'VE lived....... :)

  2. I'm with you Rebecca. My mother told me on the phone she loves her new clock so much, she will send me one. No Thanks! I don't want anything I don't adore and pick out myself. Love your pictures. Happy weekend!

  3. That turquoise vase needs to live at my house. I really like it and the satin finish of the glaze.



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