
"Organizing is what you do before you do something, 
so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up."  (A. A. Milne)
 We're definitely ahead of our game here!  We haven't even received our 2010 tax forms yet!
But it was slow and snowy afternoon, so we took the hanging folder 
in which all the year's receipts were deposited (hopefully).
These were sorted, stacked and placed on our tabletop.
Then, pile by pile the receipts were sorted further and stapled together.
Next came the calculator...
Now we've DONE something so that when we DO it, it is not all mixed up!

We "do" our own taxes.  So far, so good.
The stapler is one of many office supplies I've purchased in thrift stores.


  1. I have *piles* everywhere. I am always organizing because I acquire MANY things that easily become disorganized. I continue to be amazed every time I visit my parents and see how much I am like mom always has a little pile of -stuff- on the table and my dad has pencils and pennies everywhere possible.!

  2. Gah, you've inspired me. Tomorrow I organize the various paid bills and receipts piled up to a depth of 8 inches in our beer flat.

  3. I'm pretty organized but there's always better! Thanks for a reminder that it's January and time to start organizing drawers! My goal is the attic ....before the end of the year!

  4. I'm so rubbish at organising my paperwork, luckily I've got a well-trained man who does it for love. xxx

  5. I am putting tax stuff together and have a little check list of pieces of paper that have to come in at the beginning of each year. I am just not brave enough to tackle doing my own taxes and admire people who do.


  6. Ha that sounds like a good description...I have been doing much organizing in my home as well Nothing like the feeling of being organized :)~Love Heather


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