poison ivy fashion
Ever since working in our yard and flower beds last week, I have been plagued by a swollen face. My left eye is almost shut in the morning. Some of the swelling goes down throughout the day, but the fiery itch goes on and on and on.
Today the Benadryl has made me sleepy and evidently a little dull of mind (I've mislaid the Alexander McCall Smith book I was trying to read)! It's late afternoon now and I'm still in my robe. I may not get dressed at all.
Not a very exciting fashion statement - but novel, you'll have to admit! I've had this robe for many, many years. It was purchased at a thrift store. I'd been looking for a long, soft chenille one for a long time. When I found THIS one, I was ecstatic!
birthday reflections
Today is our firstborn's birthday. She shares it with my brother. Happy birthday, Amy (and Dave)!
The air is crisp and cool...We've slept with windows open two nights in a row--and for the first time since late spring, the dehumidifier shut itself off after reaching the pre-set level.
Oh! We flipped the mattress over when I made the bed with the air-dried sheets. Should have done THAT a few months ago!
After success with the clothesline yesterday (the shirts dried wrinkle-free), I have just washed a vintage bedspread and will hang it out to dry today.
We may make it a Border's evening later today and, not wanting to change clothes, I've selected this outfit...all purchased at thrift stores over the years. I was inspired to perk up the gray and black with some red touches by an early morning reading of Blogfashion!
second-hand turquoise
During a quick camera trek around our bedroom, I discovered these turquoise pieces. I think every one of them was purchased at a thrift store. I believe fifty cents was the most I paid for anything in this collage. (A click on the collage will enlarge it significantly, and if you click the enlarged collage, it will enlarge it even more!)
"When friends enter a home, they sense its personality and character, the family's style of living - these elements make a house come alive with a sense of identity, a sense of energy, enthusiasm, and warmth, declaring, 'This is who we are; this is how we live.'"
cheap thrills
Something about the sunlight this morning
prevented a clearer picture...
but here is the simple outfit I'm wearing today.
Knit off-white top with gray straight-line skirt.
I'm satisfied with the haircut I got yesterday at Great Clips - $11.The basic cut is easy to maintain
and its simplicity is consistent with my style of dress.
I found this lamp at my favorite thrift store earlier this week. (The shade is one I had on hand. At some point, I may choose another.) I adore the decorative features on the base of this lamp!
I also found this tin with an "old New Orleans" scene on its top and a white plastic watering can.
The simplicity of color and shape are attractive to me.
If I had to pick a favorite "find",
this beautiful silverware holder would tie with the lamp!
For $3, this was definitely a cheap thrill!
home style,
thrift store shopping,
We went to see it this afternoon. (Here I am with a jacket -- you know how chilly public air-conditioned buildings can be!) See it for the magnificent travelogue that plays side-by-side with the story of a woman's search for herself that takes her to Italy, India, and Bali.
you asked for it, susan
I googled crockpot potatoes and came up with this Cream Cheese Scalloped Potato recipe (click to see).
I filled my crockpot with sliced potatoes (kept the skins on), peeled and sliced zucchini and 1 sliced onion. I used Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning - found at Walmart - in place of salt, minced onions and garlic in the recipe.
Otherwise, I followed the recipe. I came home with an empty crockpot and lots of compliments.
See the previous post for the story of the blue replacement "crock" (thrifted) for my appliance & a peek at the potatoes through the lid. The Oriental Cabbage Slaw recipe can be found on my main blog filed under the "Recipe" tab. It's a great one for carry-in dinner, too!
I filled my crockpot with sliced potatoes (kept the skins on), peeled and sliced zucchini and 1 sliced onion. I used Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning - found at Walmart - in place of salt, minced onions and garlic in the recipe.
Otherwise, I followed the recipe. I came home with an empty crockpot and lots of compliments.
See the previous post for the story of the blue replacement "crock" (thrifted) for my appliance & a peek at the potatoes through the lid. The Oriental Cabbage Slaw recipe can be found on my main blog filed under the "Recipe" tab. It's a great one for carry-in dinner, too!
outdoor outfit

Outdoor church this morning calls for a little informality. I'll wear a pair of black capris with a linen shirt. I'll carry my thrifted bag and wear earrings as my only jewelry.

Note the blue crock! When the original (white) crock developed cracks in the bottom, I was afraid I'd have to purchase a whole new appliance. But a look to the top of my kitchen shelves where my collection of blue thrifted items is arranged revealed THIS pot that fit perfectly. Even the lid from the original cracked white crock fit!
thrift store shopping
rustic treasures
free (and empty)
little white stand - $.75
and the prize of the day - $1.00
While thumbing through Mary Jane's Farm magazine later -- behold!!
(Can you see the similarity???)
(Can you see the similarity???)
My husband now has an August project.
Click on the link to seen more angles of the rustic stand. (I'm thinking coffee table???)
Click on the link to seen more angles of the rustic stand. (I'm thinking coffee table???)
garage sales,
home style,
repurposed treasures
faux turquoise
At club on Tuesday, we each were to bring a piece of jewelry to exchange. After a lot of ohs and ahs and some "stealing" and exchanging, this is what I came home with. I think it will go fine with some of my denim jackets with silver fasteners! I'll add it to my burgeoning collection of
faux gemstones!
I looped a long strand of amber-like beads to make three strands that fit nicely into the V neck of my T shirt. I like the variation of brown shades in this necklace.
I wish I knew how to determine whether they are plastic or REAL amber! Since they were either a garage sale find or thrift store purchase, I'm quite sure they aren't the real thing.
I HAVE been to the Dominican Republic where real amber is native. And we named our youngest daughter "Amber"...
ladybug luncheon
Today is our no-longer-Red-Hats club luncheon. We've adopted the ladybug as our "mascot", so I'm wearing ladybug earrings and a ladybug pin on my collar.
I've chosen to belt a flax blouse over the cotton striped dress. I think I'll go upstairs and find a lighter pair of shoes to match the crocheted bag I'll carry today.
I'm pretty sure that everything I'm wearing was purchased at either a garage sale or thrift store - except the dress. I bought it new years and years ago at The Limited.
making monday special
I started the day Monday in front of this thrifted mirror that hangs just inside our front door.
Later, I set the table for lunch. The table cloth is thrifted, as are the glasses and vase. The dishes were gifts. The flowers came from our yard. I enjoyed sharing food and conversation with two of my friends.
Menu: deli bought turkey roll ups, garden fresh tomatoes, broccoli with Ranch dressing, artichoke-spinach chips, and melon balls.
Menu: deli bought turkey roll ups, garden fresh tomatoes, broccoli with Ranch dressing, artichoke-spinach chips, and melon balls.
It made my Monday special!
most recently...
I have difficulty passing up handmade pottery--especially when it's blue...
especially when the price is $.35!
And though I probably will never master the art of French cooking, I thought $.50 for this cookbook was a most fair price!
Most of my thrift store shopping and garage "saling" over the past few days was spent looking for children's clothing, since a few of our grandchildren were here. This dress was in that $5 bag from a few days ago. It is fully lined and fits the intended child beautifully. It's cost? $.20!
garage sales,
home style,
thrift store shopping
you just never know!
When I can no longer wear this skirt, I think I will fashion it into a pillow cover or valance for a window! I love its color and vintage fabric. I'm wearing it with a simple top and tan heels. A blue neckalce will be enough jewelry for me today. I am playing the piano at church this morning and don't want to be too gaudy.
Everything was purchased at one thrift store or another several years ago. The skirt was actually folded up with fabrics instead of hanging with the skirts! I picked it up thinking I would make something of it or just fold it up and look at it...
You just never know!
26 items for $5.35!
I filled a Kroger grocery bag with 26 items. The majority ended up being for my granddaughter who starts first grade this year. Here are 7 shirts and two skirts. I also bought a pair of denim capris and a darling, fully lined sun dress for her.
I had hoped to find more shirts for my son-in-law who wears dress shirts for work. It was difficult to sort through at least a hundred shirts. I came up with only one, but added this tie and found a pair of 34x34 cords. It's not easy to find pants in his size.
I DID find a pair of jeans and a pair of Dockers for my husband, too!
Here's a close up of the yellow striped shirt and tie...

...and here is the lower half of the Ralph Lauren swim suit that I bought. I had completely worn out the one I've worn for the past few years...
If I counted correctly, I ended up with 26 items for $5 plus tax. Just about $.20 each!
I'm thrilled.
black knit tops are my fashion staple
I've worn the green capris recently - but with a different black top. (This is the one I spilled coffee on after putting it on for the first time.) I like this top. It stretches, has a good sleeve length, and a wonderful neckline. Perfect for showcasing this gold locket that I'm wearing today...
The scene is my bedroom. The mirror is on my dresser and reflects 2 of 3 thrifted chest of drawers in our bedroom. Note the large needlepoint hanging above them. Also thrifted.
I could use a new paint job on the toe-nails, but this is how I'm going to the thrift shop this morning. I usually don't go twice a week, but yesterday I found out that the $5/bag sale begins today. I plan to get there fairly early to pick up some dress shirts for my son-in-law and whatever else fits into the bag!
just because
$.25. Just because it was unique.
$.10. Because I adore Tasha Tudor's illustrations.
$.25. Because it was worth it!
$.25. Because I can't pass up oil paintings of most any kind of flower.
garage sales,
thrift store shopping
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