here i go again...

If you've been "with me" for awhile, you'll know what I mean.


  1. That gold belt has earned its way and whenever I see a denim vest I think of you. Can we now call these your signature pieces?


  2. Yes, Darla. You'd be safe to say these are my signature pieces. (And that would be putting it nicely!)

  3. They look wonderful Rebecca...I especially love the vest!!

  4. You look Fabulous!! ~Love Heather

  5. YOU are just priceless. Even if YOUR CLOTHES are a bargain! I love thrifting. I get almost everything from thrift stores or yard sales and I love how eclectic it makes life. I would be utterly bored (not to mention broke) with the traditional way of shopping.

  6. Rebecca tell me. I love to wear skirts too, but I hate going bare-legged except in the precious 3 months of summer...And I can't STAND wearing panty hose. What do YOU do??

    I keep shopping at my favorite Salvation Army store for a denim of these days I'll get lucky!

  7. Jacquelyn, I'm with you on panty hose. I've been wearing long stockings - kind of trouser socks like....not sure what you call them. They work for me.


Hope to return your visit soon! Thanks for leaving a message...