...I don't mean "has this OUTFIT been tried before?"  (I HAVE worn everything I'm wearing today before.  Not in this exact combination though...)

But what I mean is would it be an adventure to try a week of wearing one item  from the day before the next day? (Yeah, I can see that this is a lot like the Capsule Challenge.  For me, it just wouldn't require the same amount of planning. ahead of time.  I'd only have to think "one thing" instead of "ten things".) Today I'm carrying over the white blouse.  The ruffles around the bottom and cuffs of the sleeves make extra accessories unnecessary for my activities today which include...

...helping set up, prepare, serve, and take down the simple meal at our community Lenten dinner and meditation over the noon hour.  In the early evening, I'm meeting a friend for coffee.  I want to honor and celebrate her birthday which occurred over last weekend.

Black denim vest
White "stretch" blouse
Gray skirt
Black suede shoes
Dark stockings


  1. That is a pretty neat idea. There is a wardrobe capsule challenge where you pick 10 pieces and 5 accessories and you rotate them all week. I'll see if I can figure out how to give you the link.


    I think maybe we should do a challenge like you have in mind, too. I like the idea of carrying one piece over from day to day...just for the fun of it.

  2. Thanks, Real Me. I know the link. I'm going to sit this one out and be a learner. I'm not much of a planner and need to develop more skills B-4 I can participate. I hope the next time the Capsule Challenge comes around, I'm up for it!

  3. Hi there-there is a capsule wardrobe challenge going on over at http://thesmallfabricofmylife.blogspot.com/

    Sorry, just seen you've been told the link already!! Its a great idea though!

  4. You look nice, Rebecca, and it sounds like you have a fun day ahead. So hope you do! Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com

  5. This is probably my favorite of the vests you have showcased so far - I love the cropped length.

    That would be a tricky concept, especially to try to seamlessly blend one (or more) items from the previous day into a new outfit without looking like you're repeating. Let me know how it goes!

  6. Kasmira over at What I Wore is trying to do your version of the challenge while doing the regular Capsule Challenge, where she carries over one major piece across two days in the week, then remixes another piece the next day, etc.


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